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How to Maintain a Wood Fence: Tips from a Wood Fencing Contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois

Wood fencing contractor in Riverwoods Illinois

How to Maintain a Wood Fence: Tips from a Wood Fencing Contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois

Do you have a wood fence around your property? Thinking about installing one? In either case, it would be helpful to know a thing or two about wood fencing maintenance.

That’s where we can help. Below, this wood fencing contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should know about maintaining a wood fence.

Cleaning the Fence

Like all fencing materials, wood fencing needs to be cleaned from time to time. In fact, with wood fencing, cleaning is paramount. Not only does it help with its aesthetics, but it also reduces water exposure, which will allow the fence to thrive for a longer period.

There are several ways to go about cleaning a wood fence. You could use a pressure washer. Note, though, that if you do this, you should be careful not to put it on too high a setting. Pressure washers have been known to break wood fences through sheer force.

Another option is to scrub the fence with a wire brush. This will help remove algae and other hard-to-clean residue. To assist with the brush, you should also apply a bleach solution. This will help remove any discoloration that may have formed.

After this, you should use a wood cleaner on the fence. This will give the fence a high-end shine and will keep it looking luxurious.

Finally, you should rinse the fence off with a hose. Once this is done, the fence will just have to dry. If you complete these steps one or two times a year, or as recommended by your wood fencing contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois, your wood fence should maintain a pleasing appearance.

Sealing the Fence

Another major component of wood fence maintenance is sealing the fence. Every two or three years, a sealant should be applied to the fence’s surface. This will help it thrive through water and sunlight exposure.

First, make sure that the fence is as clean as possible. Then, simply use a brush to spread the sealant over the fence. Let the first coat dry, then apply a second coat. In most cases, two coats will get the job done.

Stain/Paint the Fence

Over time, as they face more and more weather exposure, the stain and paint jobs on wood fences fade. That is why, if you want your wood fence to maintain its same luxurious glow, your wood fencing contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois will recommend painting or staining it every four or five years.

For the purpose of painting wood fences, in particular, you should use acrylic latex paint. This is more resistant to weathering and will hold up well throughout the years. As far as the stain goes, it should be either water-based or oil-based.

In both cases, make sure they’re spread evenly over the entirety of the fence. Make sure to get the insides of the fence posts and panels as well. As with the sealant, there should be at least two coats of both paint and stain.

Repairing the Fence

In most cases, your fence will take on some minor damage over time. The tops of posts might break off, cracks might form, or holes might appear.

In any case, if you want your fence to last for as long as possible and look good while doing it, you’ll want to fix these problems as soon as possible. If you would like assistance, you can always reach out to your local wood fencing contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois.

Looking for a Wood Fencing Contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois?

Do you need help maintaining your wood fence? Looking to partner with a wood fencing contractor in Riverwoods, Illinois? If so, look no further than Action Fence.

Our team has maintained countless wood fences throughout the Riverwoods area. Not only can we stain and seal your fence, but we can also make any repairs that are necessary. Contact us today at (847) 949-6690 to learn how we can help.

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